#1 Rated Hosting Provider | Florida-Based | Fast, Safe, Affordable

Why Choose PaperBoat for Web Hosting?

When a website is built correctly and is properly maintained there are almost never any problems with the website itself. So, why do websites “go down”? They go down because there is a problem with the hosting at the server. In today’s society- there are typically three options- a shared huge server farms with literally millions of websites they support, a dedicated server for each website or a hybrid of something in the middle called a Virtual Private Server or Dedicated Private Server- known as a VPS, or DPS.

Think of a VPS server like reserving a private room at a restaurant to celebrate an event, such as your birthday. Instead of dining in the main area with other patrons (shared server), you enjoy a separate dining space that can be tailored to your needs. In this private room, you have access to all the seats, tables, dishes, and cutlery required for your guests, and you can arrange them as you like. You can also request a unique menu or drink specials that your guests can order according to their preferences. However, you still share the kitchen, staff, and other amenities with the rest of the restaurant. On the other hand, a dedicated server is like renting out the entire venue and hiring a catering and event company. You have complete control over every aspect of your party, and all the resources are reserved exclusively for your group of guests. This option provides maximum customization and privacy but comes at a higher cost.

At all levels, whether it is a security issue, improper DNS configuration, server overload, or some other issue (Crowdstrike Microsoft update, anyone?) in order to fix the problem, you contact the hosting provider. Very often there is not even a human being that you can talk to anymore and you just submit a trouble ticket- counting the hours of lost revenue until you even get contacted for the issue to be resolved.

I got so frustrated at this, I bought my own top of the line server and offer clients I work with an optimized stable, safe, incredibly fast hosting platform that they can choose to put websites I build on, or migrate from some other place. My server is a VPS. The advantage of this is that IF there is a problem, you have an immediate point of contact. I can easily log-in, look at server logs- see what the issue is and correct it. I don’t have (nor want) thousands of clients on my server. I want a super fast server, that is powerful, yet simple and does the job I want it to do. Since I don’t have the overhead of data centers cost and several other items necessary to run a server farm, I can pass those savings to you since the total cost is spreadload throughout all of the clients on the server. That costs does depend on resources need, but even my highest volume traffic, an ecommerce client with over 100k visitors a day, doesn’t pay more than $100 a month. That cost includes maintenance, security and monthly back-ups. A small price to pay for peace of mind. If you are frustrated with your current web hosting provider or looking for something stable, fast and affordable, please contact me to discuss how I can help.

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