“Staffing is about relationships. I help find and forge digital relationships between clients and companies.”
Staffing Agencies deal in the most difficult commodity- people. The key difference between an okay staffing agency and a phenomenal one is in how they handle relationships. Relationships between recruiters and applicants (sometimes called candidates, talent or some other industry jargon) and relationships between the staffing agency and it’s clients.

Staffing agencies that try to win on low-price are cutting their own throats. Price and value are completely different and value is only realized through relationships. I help marry the company’s value and service line with people who are looking for that.
People use staffing agencies for many of the same reasons they use me instead of hiring a full-time employee. Outsourcing a job function allows leaders to leverage high-level talent in smaller increments of time and budget, while still gaining qualified and capable expertise that can help accelerate strategic business plans.
Staffing firms use me because I have worked in the staffing industry and provide strong results. (I owned a successful Marketing IT Staffing firm because I could do the job or find the right people to do the job for them. It was acquired and I have stuck with just doing all the marketing consulting myself since then.)
I help staffing agencies define their brand, their differentiators and connect them with the audience that matters most to them.
I help staffing firms get more clients. Are you next?
As a reminder I have an exclusivity agreement. I will only work with one company in a certain geographic service area. For example, I work as a consultant with a large staffing firm in Orlando that deals with IT, Salesforce CRM solutions, CPAs and more. I wouldn’t take on another competitor that staffs those kind of people.